85: Love Letter to the New View Advice Community

Welcome to Season 4! In honor of this new season, I wanted to share a love letter I wrote to the New View Advice Community.

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New View Advice would not be possible without all your love and support, so today I wanted to take a moment to thank you from my heart to yours. I hope you enjoy. Sending you all my love.

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Timestamps ⏱️

  • Introduction: 00:15

  • Love Letter: 01:00

  • Outro:  4:24

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    Amanda Durocher [00:00:01]:

    Welcome to New View Advice. I'm your host, Amanda Durocher, and I invite you to join me here each week as I offer advice on how to move through whatever problem or trauma is holding you back from living life to the fullest. Let's get started.


    Hi, Beautiful Souls. This is Amanda Durocher, and welcome to season 4 of New View Advice. Today, I wanted to share a love letter I wrote to all of you. I have been thinking about newbie advice a lot over the past Month, I took an unexpected hiatus. As many of you know who listen, I am healing right alongside you, and I was healing some deep layers of trauma I have experienced, which I will be sharing more of throughout this season.

    Amanda Durocher [00:00:43]:

    But today, to begin season 4, I just wanted to say thank you and to share a love letter with all of you from my heart to yours. So here is my love letter to you.

    Love Letter

    Dear New View Advice Community, I am so grateful for every single person who has helped me turn this dream into a reality. I wanna thank everyone who is a part of this community. Thank you to everyone who has listened to 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, or more episodes. Thank you to everyone who has written in a question. Thank you to everyone who has done a 1 on 1 session. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of a support group.

    Amanda Durocher [00:01:23]:

    Thank you to everyone who has sent a message of encouragement and support. Thank you to everyone who has let me be a guide on your healing journey. Creating New View Advice was one of the boldest things I've done in my life. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that I wanted to find a way to share about my own healing journey, and I wanted to help others who are feeling lost and alone. New View Advice came to me at a time in my life when I was feeling lost myself. I'd recently gone sober and was heartbroken by all the stories I kept seeing about violence against women, trauma survivors, and all the suffering in the world. I kept asking my heart how I could be the change I wanted to see in the world. And from there, New View Advice was born.

    Amanda Durocher [00:01:59]:

    It is not always easy for me to show up here, so I thank you for all your patience with me as I have been learning and growing alongside all of you. This journey has been more of a roller coaster than I thought possible, and it has challenged me in new and unexpected ways. But I have also grown immensely. Throughout the last two and a half years, I've been healing my own heart from some of the most devastating things I have survived in my own life. But I have continued to show up here to the best of my ability even though some days it feels so hard and daunting. Some days I feel like a fraud. Some days I feel like a failure. Some days I feel ashamed.

    Amanda Durocher [00:02:31]:

    But New View Advice also reminds me that though my mind tells me those old stories, I am none of those things. I am not a failure. I am not a fraud. I'm just like you. I am human. New View Advice also taught me I'm not alone. Healing can be incredibly lonely. It's so hard to look at our deepest, darkest fears, our most shameful moments, the things we have been running from our whole lives.

    Amanda Durocher [00:02:53]:

    Through newbie advice, I've learned I'm not alone. There are other people out there that are healing just like me, that are choosing a new way of being. By witnessing your bravery, I have seen my own. By hearing your stories, it has helped me to heal my own heart. By being seen by you, It has helped me to heal in ways I struggle to articulate. So thank you. Thank you from my heart to yours for supporting me as I fumble and fall, for teaching me that I don't have to be perfect, that I am enough no matter where I am in life, and no matter what I am struggling with. You are all such a gift to me, So thank you.

    Amanda Durocher [00:03:26]:

    My intention moving forward is to continue to show up here, to find more ways to connect with all of you, and to continue to be a guide for the healing journey. My prayer for this community is that we continue to remember our worth, embrace our power, love ourselves and each other, and remember that we are enough just as we are. My intention is to help us all to feel seen and to remember how powerful we truly are. I'm sending you all so much love, gratitude, and blessings for whatever chapter you are currently in. I honor the work you are doing. Healing is not always easy, But through healing, we truly learn to honor ourselves, love ourselves, and to see that even the toughest life lessons have jewels within them. Healing teaches us how to see the forest or the trees and how to have a new view on the life we are living. May you continue to have the courage to follow your heart into the unknown.

    Amanda Durocher [00:04:14]:

    Thank you for being on the wild journey of life with me. I am sending you all my love, Amanda.


    Thank you for joining me for this short episode of New View Advice, and I truly am grateful for each and every person who takes the time out of their busy days to listen to an episode or to reach out and to connect with me. You all have changed my life in a way that I struggle to articulate. So I'll just end this episode here with 1 more big thank you from my heart to yours, and may we continue to have a new view together throughout the 2020 for and into season 4 of New View Advice. Sending you all my love. See you next time.

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