Free Journal Prompts
It is common for wounds and beliefs from your teen years to continue negatively impacting your adult life and relationships. These journal prompts are here to assist you in connecting with your inner teenager, identifying the false beliefs created in your teenage years, and healing from any hard emotions or memories from this time in your life.
It is common for wounds and beliefs from your teen years to continue negatively impacting your adult life and relationships. These journal prompts are here to assist you in connecting with your inner teenager, identifying the false beliefs created in your teenage years, and healing from any hard emotions or memories from this time in your life.
These journal prompts are here to assist you in diving deep into your inner world, and connecting with why you feel that you are not good enough, where this belief may have originated, helping you connect with your feelings, and heal your heart, so you can remember that you’ve always been good enough!
Rejection can feel as painful as physical pain and not only impact your self-esteem, but also can lead to feelings of loneliness, disappointment, embarrassment, or shame. This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 75: How to Heal Feelings of Rejection in Relationships (Fear of Rejection).
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 70: Pandemic Hangover: How to Heal Your Post-Covid Mental and Emotional Health (Anxiety and Depression) and Reacclimate to the Post-Pandemic World.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 68: Emotional Abuse & Gaslighting: How to Heal from Relationships with Emotional Abuse, Gaslighting, and Lying
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 67: Healing from Broken Trust, Trust Issues & Betrayal: Learning to Trust Ourselves & How to Rebuild Trust in Relationships
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 66: The Father Wound (or Daddy Issues): How to Heal from Absent Fathers and Emotionally Unavailable Fathers (& Fatherly Caregivers)
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 64: Unrequited Love & Limerence: What is Unrequited Love & How to Heal from Unrequited Love & Limerence
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 55: Overcoming the Long Term Effects of Bullying: Healing Low Self-Esteem, Abandonment Wound, & Mean Friends.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 52: Why Feeling Anger & Rage is Important & How to Release Your Anger & Rage in a Good Way
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 49: Healing Body Image Issues: Advice for Body Image Acceptance and Healing Negative Self-Talk
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 47: The Mother Wound: Advice for Healing Your Relationship with Your Mother
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 46: Healing Sexual Trauma: Recovering from Sexual Assault & Rape through Healing One Layer at a Time.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 45: Adult Children of Divorce: Healing the Effects of Your Parents' Divorce.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 44: Advice for Depression: How to Move through Seasons of Depression with Self-Care, Self-Awareness, & Self-Compassion.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 40: Cheating: Being the Other Woman & Should I Tell His Girlfriend He Cheated (With Me)
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 31: "I Cheated On My Partner While Drinking": Advice for Healing.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 22: Cheating in Relationships Advice: Healing From Cheating & Being Cheated On and 29: How to Heal from Being Cheated On in Relationships.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 24: Healing Past Relationships: How Your Past Relationships Can Affect Your Future Relationships. These journal prompts are here to assist your healing journey when healing from past relationships.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 18: Sobriety: Lessons and Guidance from My Sober Journey. These journal prompts are here to guide you on your sober journey. These are also able to guide and assist those who are interested in exploring their relationship with alcohol on a deeper level.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 17: Why Life is Unfair: How When We Stop Believing Life Is Supposed to Be Fair We Can Empower Ourselves to Move Forward. These journal prompts are here to assist you on your healing journey and to help you get to the root of why life may feel unfair for you.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 16: Grief Guilt: How to Heal Your Relationship with Guilt Throughout the Grieving Process. These journal prompts are here to assist you when healing from grief guilt.
This is a list of journal prompts to assist with 12: Friend Breakups: Healing from Friendships, Gossip, and How to Know When to End a Friendship. These journal prompts are suggestions to help healing friendship wounds and assisting with the grieving process when friendships end.
This is a list of journal prompts referenced in 07: Healing from Heartbreak: How to Heal, Feel, and Forgive a Break Up. These are a starting point for anyone currently healing from heartbreak.