Journal Prompts: Healing from the Long Term Effects of Bullying

These free journal prompts are here to assist you on your healing journey. If you find that you would like additional support, I am now offering one-on-one healing sessions. For more information, please email or check out 1:1 Sessions Here.

Journal Prompts:

  • When you think of being bullied, where do you feel it in your body? Does it feel tight in your chest? Anxious in your stomach? Scratchy in your throat? Explore the sensations that arise in your body when you begin to think about and connect to bullying.

  • When you think of being bullied, does a specific memory come to mind? If so, write about this memory. Write everything that comes to mind. Allow yourself to get out all you need to about this experience. Do not filter yourself, allow yourself to free-write everything that has been bottled up inside you, including your feelings then and now. Many times our feelings are what really want to be acknowledged, more so than the details of the experience.

  • What beliefs do you have about yourself that are rooted in experiences from being bullied? Many times we create beliefs such as “I am not enough” or “It is not safe to speak my truth” because of what happened during traumatic experiences. Allow yourself to explore any beliefs that come to mind.

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