Overcoming Negative Thoughts with the 4 C’s

Are you currently struggling with negative thought patterns? The truth is that negative thought patterns are very common and it is not just you! Most people have negative thoughts flow through their heads all day, but these negative thoughts go unchecked because people don’t have the tools or awareness to fix the problem.

Negative thoughts can impact your mood, create stress, impact self-esteem, and cause us to have anxiety and depression. Even worse, many times our negative thoughts begin to spiral and we can end up having a cycle of negative thoughts. When this happens it can feel like we have a tornado of thoughts in our head. This can add more and more stress.

To assist with these negative thought cycles (which happens to me too!) I have created 4-Step Process to help you stop a negative thought cycle in its tracks. I call it the 4 Cs!

This blog post is connected to Episode 56: How to Stop a Negative Thought Cycle: The 4 Cs Listen to Learn More!


The 4 Cs

#1 - Catch the Thought

The first step in stopping a negative thought cycle is to catch the thought, which means bringing  awareness to the thought and understanding that you are indeed having a negative thought. You cannot stop a negative thought pattern unless you realize you are having a negative thought or in a negative thought cycle. Many people do not realize they are in a negative thought pattern, which is why the first step is to catch it. To become aware of it. These thoughts could be thoughts where we are critical of ourselves, our loved ones, strangers, our bodies. Etc.

Note: When beginning to catch negative thoughts, begin to notice when you are telling yourself you “should” be doing something. Many times “should” is a good indicator that we are in a negative thought pattern. When we use the word “should” we are often judging ourselves and others.

#2 - Cue Breathing

Once you catch the thought, take a few deep breaths. Breathe into the thought. By connecting to your breath your thoughts will begin to slow down and you will begin to ground into your body. Come back to right here and right now. You can take a few deep breaths, or intentionally breathe for a few minutes. Don’t rush yourself. Allow yourself to breathe and slow down the thoughts in your head.

#3 - Curiosity

Next, bring curiosity to the negative thought. Why are you having this thought? What triggered the thought? Is this thought helping you? Is this thought even true? Take some time to bring curiosity to the thought, rather than judgment. By bringing curiosity and awareness to why you’re having the thought, the more you can start to distance yourself from these types of thoughts. You can also see where you might be overreacting to something. We want to begin seeing our thoughts rather than being overtaken by our thoughts.

#4 - Compassion

Be compassionate and kind to yourself. After you begin to become curious, you will likely get some insight into this thought. Many of our negative thoughts are untrue and unhelpful. Be kind to yourself, and remind yourself that you are human and everyone has negative thoughts. Tell yourself something kind and loving about yourself or the situation you find yourself in. 

I hope you find this process helpful along your own healing journey!

Sending you lots of love! <3

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