“I’m Not Good Enough” Journal Prompts for Healing

Have you ever felt like you aren’t enough? These journal prompts are here to assist you in diving deep into your inner world, and connecting with why you feel that you are not good enough, where this belief may have originated, helping you connect with your feelings, and heal your heart, so you can remember that you’ve always been good enough!

This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 76: Why Do I Feel Like I’m Not Good Enough? How to Heal the Feelings of Low Self-Worth, Shame, and Inadequacy.

These free journal prompts are here to assist you on your healing journey. If you find that you would like additional support, I am now offering one-on-one healing sessions. For more information, please email contact@newviewadvice.com or check out 1:1 Sessions Here.

Journal Prompts:

  • When you think of “not being enough”, where do you feel it in your body? Is there an aching in your chest? A pit in your stomach? Does your body get tight? Spend some time reflecting on where you feel the feeling of not being enough in your body.

  • When you feel like you are not enough, what feelings do you feel? Shame? Inadequacy? Sadness? Anxiety? Write all the feelings that arise when thinking about this belief.

  • In what areas of your life do you feel like you are not good enough?

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