Journal Prompts: "I'm the Other Woman" - Healing from Cheating

This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 40: Cheating: Being the Other Woman & Should I Tell His Girlfriend He Cheated (With Me)

These free journal prompts are here to assist you on your healing journey. If you find that you would like additional support, I am now offering one-on-one healing sessions. For more information, please email or check out Advice Sessions Here.

Journal Prompts:

  • What beliefs do you have about relationships?

    • For example, do you believe you will always get hurt? Or that people are untrustworthy? Or that you have to change yourself in order to be loved? Explore your beliefs about relationships.

    • I then invite you to reflect on where these beliefs may have originated from. Allow yourself to free write what comes to mind.

  • What is your relationship with trust? Do you find it easy or difficult to trust other people? Do you trust yourself? Allow yourself to explore your relationship with trust.

  • What feelings arise when you think of yourself as “the other woman” o0r “the other person”? Do you feel happy? Sad? Guilty? Allow your self to explore the feelings that arise.

    1. Explore if these feelings remind you of any times in your childhood. For example, if you always feel guilty, I would invite you to explore when you first felt guilty, or if memories of guilt come to mind when you reflect on guilt. Do any images or memories come to mind?

    2. If a memory or childhood incident does not arise, then I would invite you to explore, where do you feel this emotion in your body? Connect with where this emotion lives in your body, and begin to become curious about this emotion and its relationship with your body.

  • Explore your relationship with your parents (or caregivers). What is this relationship like today? What was it like when you were a child?  Allow yourself to explore the fundamental relationships from your childhood. Beginning to explore these will often bring to light patterns we may still be playing out today.

  • Think about your last few relationships. Do you notice any patterns among these relationships? Explore any similarities and patterns you may be playing out in your relationships.

Pick one question, write it in your journal and just let your pen flow. You may go completely off topic when you start journaling and that’s okay! Trust that whatever comes up when you start writing is what you are meant to journal about. When you are done writing, take a few moments to reread what you wrote and see if you learned anything new about yourself.

Journaling is a practice. Be kind and patient with yourself.

Sending you all my love <3

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