Journal Prompts: Healing Past Relationships

Journal Prompts:

  • What do I believe about relationships?

  • What is my ideal relationship?

  • What beliefs am I holding onto from my past relationships?

  • Are there any memories arising that are asking for me to look at them?

  • When I think of this past relationship what feelings arise?

  • How does my body feel when I think about this relationship? Do I feel hot? Tension?

  • What unhealthy habits did I develop in this relationship?

  • What beliefs am I holding onto because of this relationship? Ex: Men are untrustworthy, Women are liars

    • Journal on how these beliefs make you feel. Do they feel sad? Do you feel these in your body?

    • Once you have released these beliefs, can you rewrite these to be beliefs to be what you would like to have moving forward (Ex: I am supported in all ways, always).

Pick one question, write it in your journal and just let your pen flow. You may go completely off topic when you start journaling and that’s okay! Trust that whatever comes up when you start writing is what you are meant to journal about. When you are done writing. Take a few moments to reread what you wrote and see if you learned anything new about yourself. Journaling is a practice. Be kind and patient with yourself.

Sending you all my love <3

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Journal Prompt Workbook

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