Journal Prompts: Cheating while Drunk

This is a list of journal prompts to assist with episode 31: "I Cheated On My Partner While Drinking": Advice for Healing.

Journal Prompts:

  • Start to become curious about your relationship with alcohol. When was the last time you drank and why? Was there a special occasion, was it a Tuesday night, were you stressed? Explore why you drink without being judgemental.

    • What did you feel like as you drank? Relaxed? Confident? Funny? Explore how you feel after having a few drinks.

    • How did you feel the day after drinking? Did you continue to replay events from when you were drunk or were you able to let it go? Did you have any regrets?

    • These questions are just ways to explore why you drink and if there are any factors that often cause you to pick up a drink?

  • When was the first time you drank? Free write about this memory. How did you feel during this experience?

  • Do you have memories of alcohol from your childhood (example, you remember your parents drinking)? If so, explore this and anything you may have started to believe about alcohol from a young age.

  • If you cheated in a relationship while drinking, journal about the day or night this happened. What events happened before the incident of cheating? What happened after? It may feel scary to allow yourself to go back to this incident, but reassure yourself that it’s safe to look at this and journal about all the details and thoughts that arise.

  • When you think about cheating on your partner, what feelings arise? Allow yourself to name these feelings and explore if they have anything to say. If you feel sad, you could write “Dear Sadness - Do you have a message for me?”, and allow yourself to free write anything that comes to mind.

  • Has it been a pattern for you to cheat while drinking or was this a one time thing? If it’s a pattern, explore if there was a similarity in the times this happened. Examples: Were you drinking with the same group of people? Were you and your partner in a fight?

Pick one question, write it in your journal and just let your pen flow. You may go completely off topic when you start journaling and that’s okay! Trust that whatever comes up when you start writing is what you are meant to journal about. When you are done writing, take a few moments to reread what you wrote and see if you learned anything new about yourself. Journaling is a practice. Be kind and patient with yourself.

Sending you all my love <3

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Journal Prompts: Healing from being Cheated On in Relationships