09: Anxiety Relief: Healing Anxious Thoughts, Social Anxiety, and the Fear of the Future

Anxiety can make it difficult to live in the present moment. In this episode, Amanda talks about why so many people suffer from constant anxiety, how to start looking at your fears and anxiety, how to start grounding and relieving your anxiety today, and how to start healing your anxious thoughts.

This post contains affiliate links to some of my favorite tools and resources. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Full terms & conditions here.


In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Why so many people suffer from constant anxiety

  • Why anxiety isn’t always a bad thing

  • How to start looking at your fears

  • Why anxiety is often linked to a fear of life and a fear of the future

  • Social Anxiety

  • Techniques for grounding yourself in the present moment

  • Anxiety relief

  • Changing our limiting beliefs

  • Overcoming anxiety and becoming more present

Episode References:

  • Anxiety Relief Techniques (Question 1)

    • Start jotting down your anxious thoughts so you can become aware of them

    • Write down your fears and start becoming curious about where they originated from

    • Box Breathing – Check out my TikTok

    • Grounding Techniques – connecting with your senses, sight, touch, smell, taste, sound

    • Meditation – List of Free Meditation Apps

    • Create a morning routine

    • Watch your media consumption – On my iPhone I use settings to limit the amount of time I use certain apps

    • EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

    • Butterfly Hugs

    • Journal – Few Suggestions:

      • What thoughts do I have when I am in large groups or before going out in large groups?

      • What are my biggest fears when it comes to social situations? Where did these originate?

      • What’s the first memory I have of being socially anxious?

      • Am I afraid of being judged? Why?

      • What age do I feel like when I become overwhelmed and anxious at the thought of going out in large social groups? What does this inner child need to hear?

    • Create gratitude lists

    • Identify your limited beliefs – Intro Video

    • Create affirmations and mantras based on your limiting beliefs

    • Use your creativity

      • Ex: Create a story where the protagonist has the same fears as you and overcomes them in the end

  • Connecting with your inner child – Check out Episode 5 for suggestions on how to do that

  • The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz

  • Abraham Hicks Books

Free Resource Corner

Create a Safe Place Meditation

As I mentioned on this week’s podcast episode, a great tool for anxiety is to create a safe place through meditation to always be able to visualize when you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. You can listen to the end of this episode for some tips on how to do this, or check out this guided meditation by Therapy in a Nutshell:


  • 0:00 Intro

  • 5:59 Listener Question 1

  • 23:21 Listener Question 2

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