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42: Family & Relationships: My Family Doesn’t Approve of My Partner & I Don’t Like My Boyfriend’s Family
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

42: Family & Relationships: My Family Doesn’t Approve of My Partner & I Don’t Like My Boyfriend’s Family

In today’s episode, I discuss how difficult family dynamics and triggering relationships are a beautiful opportunity for growth and healing. I answer one question from a listener looking for advice on how to communicate with their family that they are back with an ex who cheated on them, and another question from someone asking what to do if you don’t like your partner’s family.

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41: 10 Lessons from My 30th Year
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

41: 10 Lessons from My 30th Year

In this episode, I discuss 10 lessons I learned over the past year on my own healing journey. These lessons and learnings include that new things will always be new and scary, I’m grateful to be sober, I am enough exactly as I am, and many more.

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38: Healing Trauma with Maryann Samreth
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

38: Healing Trauma with Maryann Samreth

In this episode, I talk with special guest, Maryann Samreth, about the long and windy journey of healing from trauma. We discuss our own healing journeys, as well as answer a question about where to start when healing from trauma, and another question asking if you have to look at your past in order to heal.

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34: Break Up Advice: Should I Get Back Together with My Ex
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

34: Break Up Advice: Should I Get Back Together with My Ex

In this episode, I answer questions from listeners who are questioning whether they should get back together with their ex after a break up. The first question is from a listener whose long-term relationship ended because of infidelity, but is now wondering whether they should take back their ex. The second questions is from a listener who feels torn between giving his partner another chance or letting the relationship go.

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31: "I Cheated On My Partner While Drinking": Advice for Healing
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

31: "I Cheated On My Partner While Drinking": Advice for Healing

This episode focuses on questions about how to heal from cheating on your partner, specifically when alcohol was involved. Over the past few months I have received many questions from listeners who cheated on their partners when they had been drinking and now regret it. I answer a question about how to start this journey of healing from cheating in a relationship, and another question from someone who doesn’t know why they cheated and is looking for help forgiving themselves.

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30: Healing from Infidelity: Advice for Healing Rejection & Emotional Cheating in Relationships
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

30: Healing from Infidelity: Advice for Healing Rejection & Emotional Cheating in Relationships

This episode is a follow up to Ep 29: How to Heal from Being Cheated On in Relationships. In this episode, we continue the conversation about healing from being cheated on. We discuss is emotional cheating as bad as sexual cheating, what to do if you’re only staying with someone who’s cheated because children are involved, and how to heal from emotional and sexual rejection.

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29: How to Heal from Being Cheated On in Relationships
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

29: How to Heal from Being Cheated On in Relationships

Healing from being cheated on in a relationship takes time, patience, and a lot of self-love. In this week’s episode I answer two questions, one from someone who was cheated on in their relationship and wants to know if taking someone back who’s cheated is the best choice for them, and one about why do people who were cheated on return to the relationships that hurt them.

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28: How to Overcome the Fear & Uncertainty of Your Next Steps with Katerina Eleftheriou
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

28: How to Overcome the Fear & Uncertainty of Your Next Steps with Katerina Eleftheriou

At some point in our lives, many of us feel lost, confused, or indecisive about our next steps on our life's journey. In this episode, I talk with guest, Katerina Eleftheriou (@katerinawrites), about overcoming fear and uncertainty of your next steps. We discuss people pleasing, what to do when you feel lost and indecisive, why action is often the best next step, and overcoming fears of content creation.

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27: Why Following Your Intuition & Inner Guidance is the Key to Getting Everything You Want with Erica Wernick (Part 2)
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

27: Why Following Your Intuition & Inner Guidance is the Key to Getting Everything You Want with Erica Wernick (Part 2)

In part 2 of 2, the conversation about intuition and inner guidance continues with Hollywood Success Coach, Erica Wernick. In this episode, Erica and I answer two listener questions, the first one is about differentiating between intuition and insecurity. And the second one is about how sometimes we feel like we’re meant for something and that our intuition led us there, but what do we do when these opportunities don’t work out?

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26: Why Following Your Intuition & Inner Guidance is the Key to Getting Everything You Want with Erica Wernick (Part 1)
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

26: Why Following Your Intuition & Inner Guidance is the Key to Getting Everything You Want with Erica Wernick (Part 1)

Whether you consider yourself intuitive or not, this episode is for you. In part 1 of 2, I talk with Hollywood Success Coach, Erica Wernick, about what it really means to follow your intuition and inner guidance, and how it may not be easy, but it’s how we’re able to reach our most impossible goals while living our best lives.

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24: Healing Past Relationships: How Your Past Relationships Can Affect Your Future Relationships
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

24: Healing Past Relationships: How Your Past Relationships Can Affect Your Future Relationships

Often times we don’t give ourselves the time we need to fully move through past relationships, so the patterns and beliefs from old relationships can end up affecting our present day lives. In this episode, I discuss how traumatic past relationships can be and how to heal and move forward. I also answer a question from someone who is just now see the effects of a past relationship, and someone healing from a toxic relationship.

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23: Body Image Advice: Healing Our Relationships with our Bodies, Body Size, & Weight
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

23: Body Image Advice: Healing Our Relationships with our Bodies, Body Size, & Weight

Unfortunately in today’s world, having an unhealthy relationship with our body can be all too common. I, for one, have felt like I am at war with my body for many years. Today I talk openly about my own struggles with body image. I also answer 2 questions: one from someone who has always felt like the “fat friend” and one from someone who has stopped eating due to anxiety.

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22: Cheating in Relationships Advice: Healing From Cheating & Being Cheated On
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

22: Cheating in Relationships Advice: Healing From Cheating & Being Cheated On

Cheating can be traumatic for all people involved. Not only does it involve heartbreak, but it involves an extra layer of betrayal that can take time to heal. In this episode, I discuss the cheating wound, and I answer a question from someone who cheats and is looking to change, and also someone who is having a hard time moving on from being cheated on.

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