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62: How to Heal a Broken Heart: Advice for Healing from Heartbreak & Moving On After a Break Up with No Closure
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

62: How to Heal a Broken Heart: Advice for Healing from Heartbreak & Moving On After a Break Up with No Closure

Healing from a broken heart is challenging and many people struggle with moving on after a breakup because they feel depressed and alone. In this episode, I answer a question from a listener who is searching for healing after the end of a relationship and another question from someone who is looking for advice on how to heal after a breakup with no closure.

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61: Healing from Dissociation and the Returning of Memories
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

61: Healing from Dissociation and the Returning of Memories

Disassociation can sound scary and overwhelming, but is actually much more common than we think. Disassociation is a trauma response and can become a patterned response to stress and overwhelm, and often looks like disengaging and disconnecting from the present moment. In this episode I talk about what disassociation is, why it’s nothing to be afraid of, and how to begin healing.

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60: Healing from Sexual Assault and Rape: Should I Press Charges and Where Should I Begin When Healing from Rape
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

60: Healing from Sexual Assault and Rape: Should I Press Charges and Where Should I Begin When Healing from Rape

Healing from sexual assault and rape takes time, patience, and a lot of support. In this episode, I answer a listener question from someone who is deciding whether or not to press charges in regards to their sexual assault. If you or someone you know is struggling to heal from sexual assault, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 or visit https://www.rainn.org/ to learn more. Please take care of yourself.

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59: Why Self-Compassion is Important and How to Start Being Self-Compassionate Today
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

59: Why Self-Compassion is Important and How to Start Being Self-Compassionate Today

Self-compassion is an important tool for not only healing trauma and heartbreak, but also for living a happy life. In my own life, I have found self-compassion to be crucial when I am feeling sad, lost, upset, and self-critical. In today’s episode, I define self-compassion, share self-compassion practices, and discuss acclaimed author Kristen Neff’s three elements of self-compassion

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56: How to Stop a Negative Thought Cycle: The 4 Cs
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

56: How to Stop a Negative Thought Cycle: The 4 Cs

Everyone has negative thoughts, and sometimes these thoughts can even spiral and create negative thought cycles that we have trouble getting out of. In this episode, I outline my 4 step process (The 4 Cs) to help you stop a negative thought cycle in its tracks.

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54: How Porn Addiction Impacts Relationships
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

54: How Porn Addiction Impacts Relationships

Oftentimes when we discuss porn addiction, we only discuss it from the view point of the person dealing with porn addiction, but the truth is that porn addiction impacts the people in the relationships with those suffering from the addiction as well.

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51: How to Heal from Infidelity with Andrea Giles
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

51: How to Heal from Infidelity with Andrea Giles

This week I have a special guest Andrea Giles, Infidelity Coach and host of the Heal from Infidelity podcast on how to heal from cheating in relationships. Andrea and I discuss what to do when you’re at the beginning of your healing journey, how to heal emotionally, and why so many people can feel impatient and frustrated.

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50: What is Self-Care & Why It's Important for the Healing Journey
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

50: What is Self-Care & Why It's Important for the Healing Journey

Self-care is a popular “buzz word” and is often quoted in lyrics and on social media, but what does it actually mean? You may think it is treating yourself to fun activities and gifts, but in reality that is only one small aspect of self-care. I believe self-care has a broad definition and will look different for everyone.

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48: 4 Steps for Letting Go of Expectations of Yourself and Others
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

48: 4 Steps for Letting Go of Expectations of Yourself and Others

Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and others can lead to a repeating cycle of disappointment and frustration. In this episode, I outline my four-step process to help you release the pattern of unrealistic expectations so you can come back to the present moment and objectively re-evaluate your situation.

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47: The Mother Wound: Advice for Healing Your Relationship with Your Mother
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

47: The Mother Wound: Advice for Healing Your Relationship with Your Mother

The mother wound is the pain caused by your relationship with your mother. This can happen through your relationship or through witnessing how your mother interacts with the world. In this episode, I discuss the mother wound, what it is, and how we can begin to heal. I also answer a question from someone who feels town between their mother and a new relationship and doesn’t know if they can continue to live with their mother, and someone who wants to heal their relationship with their critical mother.

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46: Healing Sexual Trauma: Recovering from Sexual Assault & Rape through Healing One Layer at a Time
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

46: Healing Sexual Trauma: Recovering from Sexual Assault & Rape through Healing One Layer at a Time

Healing sexual trauma takes time. Many people wish to rush the process, but unfortunately it’s a journey that takes time, patience, and a lot of self-compassion. In this episode, I dive into my own healing journey and story of being raped in my teens. I also answer a question from someone looking for closure after being raped, and someone who feels read to begin looking at the layers of their sexual assault, but doesn’t know where to start.

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45: Adult Children of Divorce: Healing the Effects of Your Parents' Divorce
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

45: Adult Children of Divorce: Healing the Effects of Your Parents' Divorce

Depression is a common problem for many, including those who have experienced trauma during their lives. In this episode, I discuss my own journey with depression and how the symptoms can manifest differently for everyone. I answer one question from someone with pandemic depression, and another from someone who has been depressed since being injured.

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44: Advice for Depression: How to Move through Seasons of Depression with Self-Care, Self-Awareness, & Self-Compassion
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

44: Advice for Depression: How to Move through Seasons of Depression with Self-Care, Self-Awareness, & Self-Compassion

Depression is a common problem for many, including those who have experienced trauma during their lives. In this episode, I discuss my own journey with depression and how the symptoms can manifest differently for everyone. I answer one question from someone with pandemic depression, and another from someone who has been depressed since being injured.

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