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21: Family Dynamics & The Holidays: Healing Our Family Triggers
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

21: Family Dynamics & The Holidays: Healing Our Family Triggers

The holidays are a great time for healing. Oftentimes our families can trigger childhood wounds, and by bringing awareness to these triggers we can begin to heal our family patterns. In this episode, I discuss family patterns and triggers, and how to heal them. I also answer two questions about how to stay sane this holiday season, and how to start healing your relationship with your family.

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20: Healing from Bullying (Part 2): Embracing Self-Love & Self Acceptance.
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

20: Healing from Bullying (Part 2): Embracing Self-Love & Self Acceptance.

The effects of bullying can manifest in our lives in all different ways. In this episode, I dive into the details of how I recently healed layers of my bully wound by looking at the effects of “mean girls” from my high school, and what it looked like for me to do the inner work around this trauma. I also answer a question from someone with low self-esteem from childhood bullying, and someone who wants to move past caring what bullies from middle school thought of them.

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12: Friend Breakups: Healing from Friendships, Gossip, and How to Know When to End a Friendship
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

12: Friend Breakups: Healing from Friendships, Gossip, and How to Know When to End a Friendship

Friendship breakups are really common, but often are filled with shame and can be left unhealed. Though these breakups are painful, friendships can be one of our greatest teachers and it’s important to take the time to heal and move through the grieving process. In today’s episode, Amanda answers questions about the end of friendships, healing from gossip culture, and how to know when it’s time to end a friendship.

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10: Coping with Alcohol, Food, and Shopping: Moving from Unhealthy to Healthy Coping Strategies
Travel Amanda Durocher Travel Amanda Durocher

10: Coping with Alcohol, Food, and Shopping: Moving from Unhealthy to Healthy Coping Strategies

Many of us use unhealthy coping strategies as a way to avoid feeling our feelings. In today’s episode, Amanda answers questions about three different unhealthy coping strategies – using alcohol, food, and shopping to cope with difficult feelings – and how to become curious about why we may be using these unhealthy coping mechanisms and how to start finding healthy ways to engage with life and process our feelings.

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03: Grief is a B*tch: Advice on How to Heal from Grief and the Death of Loved Ones
Travel Guest User Travel Guest User

03: Grief is a B*tch: Advice on How to Heal from Grief and the Death of Loved Ones

Grief can be one of life’s greatest teachers, but if we don’t deal with our grief it can start to wreak havoc in our lives, which is why Amanda is so passionate about discussing grief and the grieving process. In this episode, Amanda answers questions about grieving the death of a parent, balancing grief and motherhood, and how to transmute our anxieties about death into momentum to live life to the fullest in every present moment.

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