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125: What is EMDR and How EMDR Can Help You on the Healing Journey with Kelly Schooner
In this episode, I welcome special guest Kelly Schooner, a licensed marriage and family therapist, to discuss what is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and how EMDR can help people on their healing journeys. We discuss who EMDR can help, how EMDR can help people with “big T trauma” and also “little T traumas”, the difference between suppression and repression, how EMDR can help people with ADD, and more. We also touch on the question - can you trust an EMDR memory.

124: Feeling Frustrated: What to Do When Overwhelmed with Frustration
In this episode, we discuss the feeling of frustration. Responding to a listener's question about feeling stuck and overwhelmed by frustration, we explore various emotions that often accompany feeling frustrated, such as anger, hopelessness, and disappointment. I talk about the importance of understanding the root causes of our frustration and offer advice on how to process and work through it.

123: Loneliness After an Affair: How to Forgive Yourself for Cheating
In this episode, I answer a listener’s question about how to forgive oneself after cheating in a relationship. This listener is struggling with feelings of loneliness, sadness, and fear, and they feel as though they have to carry this burden and heavy shame by themselves.