Journal Prompts: Heartbreak Healing

This is a list of journal prompts referenced in 07: Healing from Heartbreak: How to Heal, Feel, and Forgive a Break Up. These are a starting point for anyone currently healing from heartbreak. Journalling is a great way for us to start to get in touch with our emotions and our inner world.

Journal Prompts:

  • How am I feeling right now in this present moment? What could I do today to shift where I’m at and move to a higher vibration emotion?

  • What parts of my self did I “lose” in this relationship? Why did I change myself to be with this person?

    • Follow up Questions:

      • Was I hiding?

      • Making myself small?

      • Was I trying to be someone I thought I should be not who I really am?

  • When I sit with the heartbreak of losing this partner, what comes up for me right now? Is it a feeling? Memory? Sensation in my body? Sit with this and then write about it.

  • What stage of grief am I in right now? (A reminder, the stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance)

  • Is there a limiting belief that I keep replaying about myself because of this breakup? Was there was a moment or person in my childhood who told me this or made me believe this before this break up?

    • Examples: I’ll never be good enough, I’m unlovable, I’m unworthy of love, no one will ever love me.

  • Start to become curious about similarities between now and other times in your life.

    • Ask yourself – Do I feel this way after every break up? Have I felt this way after multiple break ups?

I recommend starting with one journal prompt a day or one a week. You can create a spot in your home dedicated to journalling and inner work. You can light a candle and state an intention before you start journalling. Or you can journal while in bed or in the car. Do what works best for you.

Sending you all my love as you continue to heal from heartbreak. <3

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