snow white

I fell from the ivory tower

One dark and stormy night.

I was sent out into the woods

Resembling Snow White.

I was Naive and innocent

Also running for my life.

The hunter almost got me

But I sprinted out of sight.

I ran through the forest

As the demons chased me.

Screaming for help

But found no outside safety.

I stumbled through the trees

Looking for the light,

But time and time again

Saw nothing but the night.

I soon began to see

Prince charming was not coming,

I waited for the 7 dwarves

An experience quite humbling.

No one came to save me

I waited long enough.

So after years of torment

I picked myself back up.

I got lost many times

Because it can be 

Really hard to see 

The forest for the trees.

But I found a place to call my own

With the help of Mother Earth,

She was the prince I waited for

The one with me since birth.

At first this refuge was bare

Not built on solid foundation,

But through the years became

My most beautiful creation.

Written by Amanda Durocher



ivory tower


still grieving