ivory tower

How does it feel in your ivory tower?

Sitting up there with all that power?

How’s that life of comfort and grace?

Do you think you won by being the Ace?

Does the power I gave you taste like me?

Or does it taste like the blood on your teeth?

You’ve chosen a life of beauty and greed,

And forgot what it looks like to actually lead.

I see you learned that money’s a temptress,

But that’s not how to embody the Empress.

Your choices have led to your life of isolation

But I hope you enjoy those bougie vacations.

I used to be afraid I’d be just like you,

Harming people with all that you do.

But I’d never abuse God for a paycheck,

So I sit by and watch the incoming train wreck.

I hope you got insurance on your ivory tower

Cause I’m seeing cracks in your phony girl power.

I want to say that I wish you the best,

But you screamed and labelled me a hot mess.

So the hot mess in me says screw that you’re mean!

I know one day you’ll be truly seen,

For the cruel person you are on the inside,

And when that happens I’ll be off enjoying my life.

Written by Amanda Durocher



why do I feel guilty when you never cared?


snow white