why do I feel guilty when you never cared?

Why do I feel guilty when you never cared?

When you never listened to all that I shared?

Why does your voice play in my head?

And leave me reeling with so much dread?

You were supposed to love me for me,

Instead you always criticized my journey.

I allowed you to hurt me over and over

And constantly leave me feeling hungover.

You blamed me for things that weren’t my fault

And expected me to keep your deeds in the vault.

But you went out and tarnished my only name

So I’m done being your pawn in this game.

You’ll be left wondering what did you do,

And that’s why I stopped talking to you.

Because if you really don’t know what you did

Then you don’t know how to treat a little kid.

This pain that I’m feeling will one day pass

But your holier than thou attitude I’m sure will last.

Thank you for bringing me back to me

Your cruelty will go down in my own history.

But, I no longer allow it to impact the present

Cause life without you is extremely pleasant.

I learned from you what not to expect ,

And how to have some damn self-respect.

Written by Amanda Durocher



the mask


ivory tower