the mask

I wear a mask throughout my day,

It changes from place to place.

Sometimes its bright and cheery,

And sometimes its a vacant face.

But no matter where I am

It covers my authentic expression.

The one i am too scared to share

For fear of being rejected.

For you see i dont feel i’m enough

For true authentic love.

So i hide myself down under

And peer out at up above.

Where an imposter takes my place

The one who dons the mask,

They are more like everyone else

They are ready for the attacks

For if someone questions them

They know they are not acting true,

So the wound won’t cut as deep

As the one inside who’s blue.

For the one i’ve buried deep within

Craves climbing out to the sun

But she fears she’s not enough

And no one will find her fun.

For long ago when she was young

She learned she was unworthy,

And now she’s afraid to be herself

And to embrace all her glory.

But one day she hears a voice

So quiet and so tender.

Its the voice of her heart

And it calls on her to remember.

That she is a Child of Love

Worthy of all she desires.

She just has to take off the mask

That's all the heart requires.

Though it feels real scary 

She knows what she must do.

She throws the mask to the ground

And hopes that you will join her too.

Written by Amanda Durocher



poems about dissociation & repressed memories


why do I feel guilty when you never cared?