mirror, mirror
Mirror, mirror
On the wall,
Who’s the most dangerous
Of them all?
The face I’m shown
Gives me a fright!
It’s not who i expect,
Those from that night.
Instead reflected back
Is little old me.
I’m surprised at first.
How can this be?
But then I’m shown
All my violent thoughts,
The times I cut myself,
And the self-afflicted assaults.
The trauma I lived through
Burrowed into my core.
It took hold of my body
Letting fear in the backdoor.
And over the years,
The fear inside me grew,
It turned into evil thoughts,
Many of them taboo.
The thoughts grew in the dark
My own hidden shame
They knew my deepest secrets,
They’d taunt me by name.
Now that I’m older
And a little more wise,
I stare at myself
With tears in my eyes.
And ask this girl,
The one with so much pain,
If she can forgive me
For looking away.
Because for a long time
I was scared of this girl.
I labeled her a monster
Who could destroy my world.
But the real truth is,
She just wanted to be loved,
And know that she was seen
And to be given a hug.
So here in this moment
I ask her for forgiveness,
And I tell her I love her,
And as God as my witness.
I call her home to my heart.
Every painful memory too.
For she deserves to be held
And no longer feel blue.
And now we come together
And hold one another,
No longer afraid
Of hurting each other.
Mirror mirror on the wall
Thanks for showing me
Who’s the one I love
Most of all.
Written by Amanda Durocher